Looking for best institute for Spark  Training in Pune & Mumbai at Petaa Bytes experienced working professionals are offering the Spark training to the candidates.

Apache Spark and Scala Certification Training is designed to provide you the knowledge and skills that are required to become a successful Spark Developer.

By The End of Spark Training  at Petaa Bytes You Will be Master at:

  1. Scala Language with OOP and Functional Programming concepts.
  2. Resilient Distributed Data Set
  3. Spark Architecture : Master and Workers
  4. Setting up – Spark Cluster on top of Hadoop.
  5. Techniques to cache Large Data Sets in Memory /Disk
  6. All Spark Components like Spark-Core, Spark-SQL, Spark-Streaming and Spark-Grapth

Pre-Requisites to Join Apache Spark Training in Mumbai & Thane:

  1. Hadoop’s HDFS,  HIVE and Apache SQOOP
  2. Basic JAVA to Understand Scala well

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Benefits of Apache Spark Training in Thane & Mumbai

Petaa Bytes is known for Hands-on training. Apache Spark is one of most sought skill-set asked across all businesses for faster processing. Following are just few benefits which help you to become:

  • Core JAVA course worth 10,000/- absolutly FREE !!!
  • Master Spark’s rich and powerful library like map, flatMap, RDDs, Joined RDDs, Spark-SQL for HIVE, DataFrame, GraphDataFrame, various file formats like csv, json, parquet, s3 and this will build enough confidence to clear any interview.
  • Spark’s web user interface (UI), how to recognize common coding errors, and how to proactively prevent errors
  • Multi-node cluster for Yarn/Mesos/Standalone cluster which is required to process Spark jobs
  • Guidance for CCA-175 exam. Refer videos section for sample video.



Apache Spark

Why to Go for Apache Spark


Apache Spark

Spark training in Thane

In today’s time, the technology and tools are changing rapidly because every other every company wants to evaluate these technologies/tools /frameworks in most optimum way. There is no doubt in the fact that data is growing exponentially. Therefore, it is essential that there should be some efficient way to deal with this data in must faster way compared to previous Hadoop stack.

Our Apache Spark training in Mumbai  &  Thane is one of the Best Classroom training . During this training, our emphasis will be on 100% hands-on, so students become expert in using this framework confidently and comfortably, Apache Scala training in Mumbai  is the backbone to become excellent spark developer. Thus, getting trained in this course can make a person to contribute his or her best in the field of IT with pride.



Who Should Join Hadoop Training in Mumbai?




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