Understand Business Analytics and R Knowledge on the R language community and ecosystem Understand the use of ‘R’ in the industry Compare R with other software in analytics Install R …
The various kinds of data types in R and its appropriate uses The built-in functions in R like: seq(), cbind (), rbind(), merge() Knowledge on the various Subsetting methods Summarize …
The various steps involved in Data Cleaning Functions used in Data Inspection Tackling the problems faced during Data Cleaning Uses of the functions like grepl(), grep(), sub() Coerce the data …
Import data from spreadsheets and text files into R Import data from other statistical formats like sas7bdat and spss Packages installation used for database import Connect to RDBMS from R …
Understanding the Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA) Implementation of EDA on various datasets Boxplots Understanding the cor() in R EDA functions like summarize(), llist() Multiple packages in R for data analysis The …
Understanding on Data Visualization Graphical functions present in R Plot various graphs like tableplot Nhistogram boxplot Customizing Graphical Parameters to improvise the plots Understanding GUIs like Deducer and R Commander …
Introduction to Data Mining Understanding Machine Learning Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms K-means Clustering
Association Rule Mining Sentiment Analysis
Decision Trees Algorithm for creating Decision Trees Greedy Approach: Entropy and Information Gain Creating a Perfect Decision Tree Classification Rules for Decision Trees Concepts of Random Forest Working of Random …
Creating an application using Shiny Accessing R objects through Shiny interface